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No let up in bank demand for long-term ECB loans
Banks took 49.4 billion euros of three-month loans from the European Central Bank, slightly above the amount expiring, leaving the system awash with cash in a sign that long term loans interbank lending remains restricted.
"I would rather say this demand is from bad banks who can't access the market because the difference between Eonia (market rates) and the rate at these tenders is quite high," said Alessandro Tentori, rate strategist at BNP Paribas.
The loans bore a rate starting at 1.5 percent, in comparison to the market-determined three-month Eonia rate of 0.89 percent. A total of 128 banks asked for cash at the tender.
Highlighting the funding difficulties facing some weaker banks, Greece's Piraeus Bank (BOPr.AT) said it had used the Greek central bank's Emergency Liquidity Assistance mechanism, at a cost of about 3.5 percent, in the third quarter.
Uncertainty over whether Greek government bonds will continue to be eligible as collateral against cheaper loans available from the ECB after Greece undertakes a bond swap next month could have spurred the move, analysts said.
"(Greek banks) use a lot of Greek government bonds as collateral which have a huge haircut at the ECB... one reason for this (ELA usage) is that the haircut at the ECB is a limit on the quantity of money they can borrow," Alessandro Giansanti, strategist at ING in Amsterdam.
Stress in the bank-to-bank borrowing market has been fuelled by concerns over how exposed individual institutions are to bonds issued by the euro zone's weaker states, crimping appetite to lend money on more than a week-by-week basis.
U.S. money market funds have also been less willing to lend dollars to euro zone banks, with dramatic contractions in lending earlier this month capturing market attention and raising the threat of a full-on funding squeeze.
While the benchmark dollar Libor borrowing rate , currently at its highest in a year, edged higher, other measures of stress pointed to elevated but stable tension.
The three-month cross currency basis swap , used as an alternative dollar funding channel, was steady at -84 basis points -- off the most expensive levels near -100 bps seen earlier this month.
The easing of dollar tensions was also evident as banks chose not to borrow dollars through the ECB -- an expensive emergency funding option used by one bank two weeks ago.
SEO, CRO and User Experience
The goal of a SEO strategy is to drive traffic from search engines to a website for keyphrases in relation to the products, services and content of the website. CRO is concerned with improving your ability to convert those visitors into leads or sales.
However, there is no point in delivering traffic to a website if the website doesn't have the content and functionality to encourage the visitor to use the site. SEO and CRO techniques will inform user experience.
Understanding Your Users
Keyphrase research helps develop an understanding of your target market allowing you to profile users in relation to the keyphrases they search for. The aim is to understand the various searches users make to ensure that you have visibility within search engines for relevant keyphrases.
Analytics plays a big part in every SEO and CRO strategy, because it gives you insight into what users do on your website, it also identifies popular content and monitoring goals and the funnel, which are all vital parts of the analysis.
When keyphrase research and analytics data is combined with CRO user feedback tools, you can gain great insight into what your users want. As a result you can make specific adjustments to content, features and develop user journeys to enhance user experience and conversion rates.
User Experience From Query to Click and Beyond
For SEO's, the user experience starts when a user types a query into a search engine and finds your site within the SERPs. Relevant page titles, and a well written meta description can encourage the user to click through, and once their on your site, it's time to engage the user with relevant content, product offers and your proposition.
Clear, Optimal Website content
The first rule of developing copy for the web is to focus on the user.
So it's very important that you write copy for users, and not for search engines. If your copy is interesting, useful or engaging, there is a chance that visitors may link to pages on your site or share your content with other users via social channels, such as Facebook and Twitter.
This the leads to an increase in links and exposure for your website, which in turn, makes sharing your content online very easy.
Fresh content gives users a reason to return to the website and provides an opportunity to target new keyphrases. There is also the added bonus that crawlers will return more frequently to a website that is updated regularly.
Page Structure and User Experience
Recommendations on architecture and keyphrase targeting will depend on the insight gained from the research and planning stages, but some high level SEO and CRO recommendations for site structure to enhance user experience include:
* Use clear and relevant headings <h1>, <h2>; use bullet points to outline key selling points. This approach breaks up the page helping users to scan to find what they are looking for quickly.
* Make sure pages have a clear call to action, whether that is to complete a form or to purchase a product.
* Clearly labelling links and images benefits the user while increasing relevance of your site to search engines.
* Ensure navigation is accessible and clearly labelled, navigation elements should help the user and enhance your visibility for keyphrases.
* On site search can help you understand and promote popular content or products that users may be searching for, and when done in the right way this tactic can improve SEO and CRO substantially.
* CRO testing and recommendations will help users to complete the sales or registration process on your site easily, without issue.
SEO and CRO strategies should be focused on providing a positive experience to encourage the visitor to return and 'interact with' or 'purchase from' your website again and again.
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A guide to payday loans
1. Get an advance on your wage.
2. Access cash within hours of applying.
3. Use for a special occasion or for emergencies.
4. Avoid falling behind on payments.
5. Be prepared for high interest rates.
6. Know your rights when talking to providers.
7. Make sure not to pay for Payment Protection Insurance you don't want.
Payday loans explained:
Payday loans are short-term loans that are approved on the basis of expected, future income. In basic terms, they offer people a way of accessing money in advance of receiving a paycheck or salary income. Often all that is required is proof of income, such as a paycheck, in order to be considered.
Reasons for getting a payday loan
Payday loans are a popular and effective means of getting money quickly and legitimately, often with a low credit rating. A payday loan will rarely exceed a few hundred pounds, and consumers use them to pay for a wide range of things, from an overdue gas bill to a present for a loved one, or even to contribute towards a holiday. Electronic items, such as an iPad or computer games console, can prove popular, while many people may think its lucrative to take out a payday loan after Christmas, to take advantage of the Boxing Day and January sales.
Comparing different providers:
There are lots of different payday loans providers, which can often make it difficult deciding what payday loan to use. Most focus on the speed and ease with which borrowers can access funds, with some such as Wonga stating on their home page just how quickly consumers can get their hands on a loan. Other providers place lots of emphasis on customer loyalty, enabling borrowers to access progressively more funds based on their previous record of timely payments and number of successful loan applications. US4 Pay Day Loans places emphasis on its simple three-step application process, boasting that approval is given within 60 seconds.
Payday loan interest rates:
Payday loans cater for a very niche group of people, usually with low incomes and without many assets. As such, these loans are considered high-risk to the lender and often carry a high interest rate. A 1,000 per cent or more APR is not unusual, so one of the most important elements of choosing a provider is to compare rates, to ensure you get the best deal. However, there are obvious advantages to being loyal to the same provider, who will often reduce interest rates and offer bigger loans to those who have borrowed from them in the past.
Payday loans complaints and disputes:
Falling behind on payday loans payments can very easily see consumers engulfed by debt. Payday loans providers are obligated under UK law to seek an amicable resolution with borrowers that are struggling to meet their debt obligations. The Financial Ombudsman noted earlier this year that complaints about payday loans are relatively low, but there has been a significant increase in the last year, probably as a result of job losses and more people struggling with repayments in the financial crisis. One of the most important things when disputing with payday loans companies is to know your rights. Most companies have clear information about the complaints procedure, including details of the bodies to contact for support and advice, including the Financial Ombudsman service.
Other Payday Sources:
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